Step on board the Ghost Train πŸš‚ πŸ‘»

To celebrate the publication of Lucky Ghost, I recently set out on the Ghost Train - a whistle-stop tour of some of the finest book blogs on the internet.

Lucky Ghost is a conspiracy thriller for an age that prefers conspiracies to facts. It asks what might happen to our world if we continue to vanish into comforting online filter bubbles - those digital cocoons that only let us see the version of reality we already believe to be true. The Ghost Train tour is an exploration of the book’s main themes and the real-world stories that helped inspire it. Along the way you'll find out about my writing process, the dangers of feeling too much online – and what happened when reality caught up with me as I wrote.

The Ghost Train's journey started on 27 July 2017 and ended on 2 August. Along the way, it stopped at: